Boschen Almherbst – Hexenwasser
Hexenwasser_Flechten_Soell_Foto von Felbert_Reiter (5) – Hexenwasser
Handwerk im Hexenwasser – Hexenwasser
Pressebilder Hexenwasser @ElmarBichler (4) – Hexenwasser

Alpine autumn weeks

EVENTS from 15 to 28 September 10 – 16 UHR

Experience rural tradition in the Hexenwasser
Tie your own ‘Almresei’ and take it home as a souvenir.
Visit the EIlight Museum and chick kindergarten
Make and taste your own butter at the Simonalm
Take souvenir photos on the large hay tractor
Twist wax candles in the apiary
‘This is what the Alm tastes like’ small blind tasting of Alm Leckerrein

Programme subject to change!