3 Feuerbrennen Hohe Salve – Hexenwasser
Hexenseifenblasen Hexenwasser – Hexenwasser
Hexenwasser Donnersnächte (8) – Hexenwasser
Hexenwasser Donnersnacht – Hexenwasser
Hexendonnersnacht im Hexenwasser Söll Hochsöll staunen begreifen verstehen Feuershow Hexenkochen vor dem Rabennest und dem Alpengasthof Hochsöll – Hexenwasser

Solstice fire burning with Hextakel

In the Hexenwasser and on the Hohe Salve at the solstice

When the longest day meets the shortest night of the year, things heat up!

At the summer solstice, a visit to the summit of the Hohe Salve is a very special experience. The backdrop with the countless flickering flames is almost unreal. The mountain fires at the solstice are said to strengthen the power of the sun and keep evil away from humans and animals. They are also said to ward off storms and make the meadows and fields grow. For us Hexenwasser witches, this evening has always been particularly important. We celebrate our annual ‘HEXTAKEL’ around the middle station in Hexenwasser on the day of the solstice. On a mystical story hike, you can discover various locations and witchcraft on your own. A big fire show awaits you at the end.

Night ride with the Söll gondola lifts to the summit of the Hohe Salve on 13 June from 6.30 – 11.00 pm

Adults € 26.50 Youth € 20.00 Child € 13.50
Age group: Youth (2007-2009) Children (2010-2020)

Programme subject to change!