Rumour mill
The recipe in the rumour mill: fantasy, nature and love
Spinach dumplings and Kaiserschmarren, Gröstl and more Tyrolean specialities. The Alpengasthof Hochsöll has been cooking regional specialities for decades, which is why the witches love to come here for a snack and a feast. At some point, however, the full colourful plates were no longer enough for them. Right next to the Alpengasthof, they have opened their own ‘Hauben’ or rather ‘Hut’ kitchen and called out: Put the children in charge, because the best cook is imagination and courage.
In the rumour kitchen, the most lovingly prepared dishes are conjured up from sand, water, stones and weeds. Everyone can try it. When mum and dad’s eyes light up because their protégé is serving dandelion soup, the witches take a close look. Rumour has it that they are always learning new dishes from the children. In winter, they have recently started making dandelion coffee.
In the rumour mill