The Chickens Are Clucking!
The Simonalm is a picturesque place where the past meets the lively clucking and cackling of today. In this over 300-year-old farm, everything revolves (or should we say everything ‘eggs’!) around the chicken and its masterpiece: the egg. We invite you to take a journey through the ‘Eilight Museum’.
The egg race is a creative, educational, and humorous tour through the mountain cabin. The main stars of the show can be found in the chick nursery and the chicken university in front of the house. Here, the ‘Almhühner’ (mountain chickens) laugh while enjoying the magnificent panorama. Come join us, marvel, and see what starts to hatch inside you. It’s the perfect time to forget about time itself!
EiEiEine Eierei
“Now stop ‘egging’ around and let’s move on!” Surely, you’ve rolled your eyes at this sentence when you were a child? At our ‘Eilight’ on the ‘Simonalm’, ‘egging around’ isn’t just allowed, it’s highly encouraged!
If you’ve discovered the world’s first egg ball track, you might marvel at the irregular rhythm in which the egg moves. It’s an eternal egg dance. Perhaps you’ll discover why the egg isn’t perfectly round? Or maybe you’ll meet a fluffy little bundle in the chick nursery. Would you like to know how long it took for that little creature to hatch from the egg? If you like, we can research together why the shell of the chicken egg is so enchantingly hard, by felting an egg!
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The Simonalm is an impressive, over 400-year-old farmhouse where animals have naturally found their place. Board by board, beam by beam, nail by nail, and stone by stone, the building was dismantled in a neighboring valley and carefully reassembled. It feels as if the farmhouse, with its fragrant garden, is calling to us: “Honor, protect, and preserve my animals and treasures!” The close coexistence with cows, chickens, swallows, and bees has always been part of life at Simonalm.
But one day, a fox tried to steal the happy chickens of the Simonalm. Luckily, the farmer had left the front door open, and the chickens hid for three days in the corners of the house, where they also laid their eggs. This is how the lively, feathered
creatures took over the Simonalm. In honour of them and their wondrous emergence, the ‘Eilight Museum’ was created.
In the ‘Egg art exhibition’ by artist Dominique Rebourgeon, you’re invited to investigate the ultimate question: “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” As you wander through the small museum, you’ll discover egg-white messages in every corner and crevice. You won’t believe how much magic is hidden in a simple egg.