Hexenwasser Hexen Seifenblasen – Hexenwasser
Hexenwasser Hexen Seifenblasen – Hexenwasser
Hexenwasser Hexen Seifenblasen – Hexenwasser
Hexenwasser Hexen Seifenblasen – Hexenwasser
Hexenwasser Hexen Seifenblasen – Hexenwasser

Soap bubbles

Time for Dreams

It all started in the Hexenwasser with a fascination for water and water experiments. One washing day, the witch added soap to her wash basin and stirred with her broom. Suddenly, many little colorful bubbles flew through the room. “Ah” and “Oh,” the visitors marveled. Then the witch stepped outside and waved her broom again. This time, the bubbles grew to the size of heads, and even bigger, shimmering in every color. Everyone was thoroughly delighted and impressed. And *pop*, the soap bubbles burst.

Gone in an instant; “Oh.” Yes, said the witch, that’s how everything goes. Let me show you the game of “impermanence.” You will meet the Soap Bubble Witch again on her travels. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to swing her magic bubble wand. If so, make sure to have a good wish ready, one that you can send into the sky with the magic bubble.

PS: At the exit of the Hexenwasser gondola, in front of the Raven’s Nest, we’ll tell you where and when you can meet the Soap Bubble Witch.

Soap bubbles