Witch flying school
The excursion begins… hop onto your broom and lift off at the Witch Flight School.
Did you know that there’s a rumor going around that the witches invented the swings? Apparently, it happened like this: “Everyone envied the witches for their brooms, on which they could ride so boldly through the air. The witches felt sorry for the people, so they came up with something beautiful for them as well. And just like riding on a witch’s broom, swinging takes you up—to the highest point—and then back down—to the lowest point. It’s a witch’s wisdom: Every rise prepares the fall, and conversely, every fall leads to a rise. Or simply put: Life is vibration.”
The Witch Flight School is a huge place for swinging and showcasing, located around the Hexenwasser mountain station all the way up to the beehive. You can swing into your adventure upon arrival or let the day gently swing to a close as you say goodbye. Above the beehive is the flight frame, in which you can make memories for eternity. You can fly too, if you believe it!
Witch Flight School